HEAL Trafficking Online Forum Guidelines

Emails that do not meet these criteria may not be posted. Those who violate these rules may be removed from the online forums.

  • The purpose of the HEAL Trafficking online forums (previously known as the HEAL listservs) is to discuss issues at the intersection of health care (including behavioral health) and human trafficking. While we recognize the value of learning about the breadth of anti-trafficking efforts, please reserve non-health care related anti-trafficking conversations for other forums.
  • Do participate! Your ideas and experiences are important to hear.
  • Be respectful and considerate of your colleagues in your postings. The forums are meant to stimulate conversation, not create contention. If you disagree or become upset with someone’s response or use of the forum(s), reply to that person directly and only when appropriate. Here are some tips for disagreeing in a professional manner. All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, and offensive language is strictly prohibited on all HEAL forums. If you have cause for concern, please email info@healtrafficking.org ASAP; HEAL leadership takes such occurrences very seriously.
  • Before you send a message to one of the HEAL topical forums, consider whether the forum is the best venue for your message/conversation. A phone call to an individual may be a more effective means of discussion.
  • We recommend including a signature tag on all messages that lists your name, personal pronouns, affiliation, 
location, and email address. However, it is up to you how much personal information you choose to share in your messages.
  • State concisely and clearly the topic of your comments in the subject line of your emails. 
Doing so allows members to respond more appropriately to your posting and 
makes it easier for members using Gmail accounts to search the online forum archives by subject.
  • Only send a message to an entire forum when it contains information that 
benefits everyone. Send messages such as, “Thanks for the information,” or, “Yes!” to 
individuals — not to the entire forum. Send emails to individuals by using your email application’s forwarding option and typing in or cutting and pasting the email address of the individual to whom you want to respond.
  • Remember that HEAL Trafficking is a non-partisan organization with diverse views and please keep your personal opinions germane to a discussion; while personal opinions are important, they may not always be appropriate for the topical online forums.
  • Do not post anything on any online forum that you would not want shared widely in the public domain or that you would not want anyone to know came from you. Remember that information posted on the forums is available for all to see, and comments are subject to applicable law, including defamation, libel, slander, and antitrust laws.
  • Remember that HEAL Trafficking and other forum participants have the right to reproduce postings to the forums.
  • Do not post commercial messages on the forums.
  • Never discuss protected health information, including identity, about a patient, or potential trafficking survivor or victim.
  • Only post job opportunities that include a salary/wage range. Position descriptions without such information discourage applicants of color from applying because they are unable to assess whether it’s a position they can take. It also perpetuates both racial and gender pay disparities as women and minorities are historically underpaid. Without any information about the range of pay, they are negotiating at a disadvantage.

Please note, HEAL topical forums are open for all members of the forum to ask questions of the group, network and share best practices, and more. The HEAL general forum is just for messages from HEAL.

If you are interested in recruiting for participants for a research study using our Research topical forum, please fill out this form with the details of your request. HEAL strictly regulates community posts searching for participant recruitment based on specific criteria, including the requirement that the study will lead to academic publication and has obtained IRB approval.

Messages and opinions expressed on the topical forums are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of HEAL Trafficking, its directors, staff, volunteers, and/or the forum moderator(s).

HEAL Trafficking and/or the online forum moderator(s) reserves the right to terminate the online forum(s) or any individual member’s subscription to the forum(s) at any time. Individual subscription is considered a privilege and may be revoked for non-compliant behavior or posting practices as set forth in the HEAL online forum guidelines. HEAL Trafficking and/or the online forum moderator(s) reserves the right to make changes and modifications to the online forums and these disclaimers at any time for any reason.

About HEAL

Our vision

A world healed of trafficking.

Our mission

HEAL Trafficking leads innovative health solutions to eradicate human trafficking in our communities worldwide.

Our guiding principles

HEAL Trafficking:

  • Engages in work that combats all forms of human trafficking;

  • Supports trafficked people of all genders, ages, races/ethnicities, religions, origins, cultures, and sexual orientations;

  • Believes all trafficked persons deserve access to a full range of health care including medical, mental/behavioral health, reproductive health, dental, and substance use disorder treatment services;

  • Approaches human trafficking from a public health perspective that incorporates a socio-ecological framework and prevention strategies; and

  • Promotes a survivor-centered, trauma-informed, evidence-based, practice-based approach to anti-trafficking efforts.

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