Assessment Tool for Health Care Provider Human Trafficking Training
This tool was developed in collaboration between the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking and HEAL Trafficking. It was featured in the 2020 U.S. State Department Trafficking in Persons Report; is being utilized in 8 countries as a standard-setting metric in human trafficking curriculum development; and the state of Texas is using it to implement their health professional human trafficking education mandate. You may request access to the tool by filling out this form. Once you submit the form, you will see a confirmation message including a link to download the Assessment Tool file. Please do not distribute or copy without express consent from HEAL Trafficking.
The following assessment has been developed to assist organizations in: (1) Assessing the degree to which their training and education program or project is comprehensive and trauma-informed (2) Identifying areas for improvement. Six main criteria will be considered. For each statement, consider whether or not the criteria is adhered to in the training or education program being evaluated. If the criteria is adhered to, put a “1” under the “YES” column. If not, put a “0” under the “NO” column. Add up the “YES” total at the end of each section, and again for the combined total score. Section scores identify areas of strength or weakness of that specific criteria; total score indicates the degree to which a program or project is comprehensive, trauma-informed and upholds survivor informed principles.
Miller C, Greenbaum J, Napolitano K, Rajaram S, Cox J, Bachrach L, Baldwin SB, Stoklosa H. Health Care Provider Human Trafficking Education: Assessment Tool. Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking and HEAL Trafficking; 2018.