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Hasna Sal

Member of the Board of Directors

Hasna Sal, public artist and published poet, is an architect by training from Harvard University. A US citizen, Hasna worked as an architect and taught design studio at the University of Kansas. With four years of fine art from England and Wales and her five-year NAAB-accredited professional degree program in architecture, Hasna credits her post-graduate work in design studies in the public domain from Harvard University with the foundation of her glass installations. Hasna’s glasswork encompasses casting, kiln-formed glass, stained glass, silk screening, etching, fritography, glass blowing and torchworking.
Hasna created the first exterior memorial in the United States for victims of human trafficking and those who minister to them. She identifies herself as a raconteur–bringing to light overlooked stories. She synthesizes personal narratives of communities through creative placemaking and social reform. She believes art must step beyond the liminalities of aesthetics and transcend into the realm of social activism.

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