Rethinking Human Trafficking Representation

Excerpted from the article:

“If you google “human trafficking”, you may see images of light-skinned girls being physically restrained. You may read articles with faulty statistics that claim the average age of entry into trafficking is 13, or that the Super Bowl being the ‘biggest trafficking event’ of the year. These factoids represent a small number of the numerous sensational and problematic narratives common in anti-trafficking awareness materials.

Medical and other health professionals are perfectly poised to identify and care for trafficked persons. One study found that 68% trafficking persons visited health care during their victimization. Despite this, individuals who have experienced trafficking often go unrecognized when they seek healthcare services. Thus, health professionals must be exposed to information that allows them to “see” all trafficked persons they come in contact with.

HEAL Trafficking and the Greater New Orleans Human Trafficking Task Force created a “ethical representation” webinar for health care providers about victim-centered, trauma-informed, authentic representation practices for medical trafficking educational efforts.”

Link to the webinar:

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