Eli Plaut

Eli Plaut, M.A., pronounced “ay-lee”, is a Human Capital Consultant with Deloitte. He is a passionate advocate for ending human trafficking and a strong believer in the HEAL mission and vision. With over 8 years of experience in consulting and talent management, Eli brings a data-driven and strategic approach to scaling training programs and maximizing their impact. He has worked with various non-profit organizations and leveraged innovative solutions and best practices to ensure learning strategies are effective and equip staff with the skills and knowledge to succeed in their roles. He has designed custom leadership programs for physicians that serve highly vulnerable patient populations, which resulted in increased patient outcome and satisfaction scores.

Eli holds a Master of Arts in Social-Organizational Psychology from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Maryland, College Park. He lives with his wife in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland.

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