Texas Medical Association
Increasing Identification, Support, and Reporting of Human Trafficking Victims: The Texas Medical Association will work with (1) physician member experts on human trafficking and ensure continued participation in the activities of the Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force to help: (a) identify and advocate public policy measures that strengthen infrastructure which will improve response to human trafficking victims; (b) aid physicians in promoting the use of effective screening tools so they can identify potential victims of human trafficking; (c) provide information to physicians on the availability of local resources in their communities, including information on treatment and recovery for victims of human trafficking, including trauma-informed interventions; and (d) with requirements related to reporting suspected abuse of children and of potential victims of violence and/or sexual abuse and exploitation; and (2) county medical societies to encourage training at local health facilities on identifying human trafficking victims or request training from nationally recognized human trafficking support entities (CSPH Rep. 3-A-16). (October, 2016)